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Computer Viruses - Detailed Information in 2019

In this post  "Computer Viruses - Detailed Information in 2019" I am going to tell you about the type of virus on computer and how they spread. I will tell you this information on the basis of my experience and after detailed research.  

If you are a technology seeker like me then consider reading this previous post " What is computer virus ?? – Detailed analysis"  in which computer viruses explained in detail and then came back here.

Types of virus on computer 

Honestly, there are an infinite  number of computer viruses found on this earth to study these computer viruses  researchers categorize them into several categories but the truth is this idea is also becoming useless, as many viruses are being generated every day and making it difficult for researchers to categorize them
Here are a stats from google report so, that you may get a rough idea of how many computer viruses are generated per day.

In 2017,  every day 360,000 new malicious programs are detected every day said   a Google report

Over more than 317 million viruses are created in the year 2015 and this number is continuously increasing causing huge damage to the economy.

You might want to know "cyber security stats of 2019 ".

Hopefully, you should understand  until  now that  categorizing every virus is not possible
But here are the most common virus category that you must know so, that no one can make fool of you.

Boot-sector virus

A boot sector is a computer virus that directly infects the User's storage device . It is not mandatory that to infect these viruses Victim as to boot his device. These viruses copy their malicious code into hard disk partition and if they once saved in memory then they can infect different part of your computer.

But, thanks to the present day BIOS system that help to keep these boot-sector viruses away from our system. Therefore it is highly recommended to keep updated you BIOS at least.

Resident Virus 

Resident virus are the most harmful viruses according to me as once entered in your system they can install themselves and the fact that makes them more harmful is they are very difficult to find out.

Normally, these viruses divide your computer into two parts 

Fast infectors - Those area to which these resident virus infects more and cause greater damage.

Slow infectors - These are the areas in which the resident virus infects slowly and cause less damage.

In some, cases these viruses can attach themselves to your Anti-virus software and making the situation even worse.

Non-Resident virus 

The non-resident virus is also known as direct action -virus they do not itself get installed in your system instead they come with the file of common extension like .exe and.docx 

but, they do not hinder your system's performance and can be easily removed by Anti-virus software.

Polymorphic virus

According to a report, Polymorphic virus is most difficult to remove by Anti-virus software. The reason being is a tricky part. So, I will try to tell you in simple words.

Anti-virus only blacklists a variant of viruses from your computer but polymorphic virus replicates it binary codes and changes it's variant continuously. So, an Antivirus can even take months to detect this virus in your computer.

Multipartite virus

The multipartite virus can deliver multi payload. In simple terms, the multipartite virus can spread the computer in multiple ways or can infect a PC with multiple software or files.

Its two-pronged techniques make it difficult to remove this antivirus. Even if you clean you device data then this virus hides in the boot sector and will replicate itself once you open your computer.

Macro Virus

A macro virus is not such a harmful virus they usually come with files like excel and word attach to your e-mails. Normally, an average antivirus detects and block them.

you might be interested in knowing "technology tips and tricks".

How do computer viruses spread??

Well, that's not rocket science to understand how computer viruses spread ?? You the world is connected by the Internet and of  course the internet is responsible for spreading the virus across the world 

Viruses can be spread through the internet in any form whether its Emails, attachments, files or even links.
whenever you download a suspicious app maybe it's a virus in disguise .So be careful with your content on the internet.

Mostly virus comes into your system via E-mail and software that you download from untrusted sources.

Read this post on " Internet safety" to be safe in 2019.

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Computer Viruses - Detailed Information in 2019 Computer Viruses - Detailed Information in 2019 Reviewed by Rohit Rana on July 03, 2019 Rating: 5


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