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Cyber Security Stats in 2019

Cyber Crime is a one of the fastest growing economy in the world with no sign of slowing down.In 2018 the cyber crime economy  estimated to be of worth $1.5 trillion.

NOTE : Important term you should know  before knowing cyber security is Data Breach which is  define below.

Data Breach- 
It is a incident in which attacker threaten the security of a institution and steals the institution confidential information ,steals the personal information of instituton users

Cyber security Stats 

Cost of a breach :
It has found in the 13 annual study of data breach which is sponsored by IBM that an average breach costs business $3.86 million in 2017 . Now this percentage has been increased in 2018 by 6% that means now an average data breach costs company around $148 million and it will surely rise in 2019.

Undeteced Threats :
As said by  IBM that it takes an buisness almost on an average 197 days to find out or identify a data breach .This is a slight increase from previous years means attackers are getting smarter day by day and also time taken to identify data breach is directly proportional to more expense of company.

Insiders Job :
60% of all attack in 2016 were carried out by insiders of your business.however, most of the time it's a common accidental by employees .In a report it has found that only 24% attack have been done by externals. user monitoring and training of employees is a perfect way to low the cost of data breach in a business.

Wrong Clicks :
 In 72 % of data breaching the employee of an institution when click on a fraud or spam email got attacked by attacker ,which eventually leads to data breaching of there company.Again there is only one solution to this problems i.e. training of your employee .

50/50 Risk : 
46% of uk business identified a data breach in there in there company .Even the giants like Facebook are not safe from data breach.

Poor Passwords :
35% people in the world have a poor password and the others 65% can be cracked by the hackers said in a report. so,it advisable to use two factor authenification in order to maintain safety of you and your  business.

Cyber Security Budget :
Despite being an enormous increase in count of attack done by hackers.It is a find that an average  country increases cyber security budget by only 9%.per annum which is a quite thing to worry for small business people.

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Cyber Security Stats in 2019 Cyber Security Stats in 2019 Reviewed by Rohit Rana on June 16, 2019 Rating: 5

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