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What is computer virus ?? – Detailed analysis

If you are the one who shows interest in working with technology, like me then you are at right place. Here I  will tell you about technology tips and tricks on the basis of my experience and would also like to discuss the latest technology.

In this post "What is computer virus ?? – Detailed analysis ". I am going to explain about computer viruses in detail.

What is computer virus

What is a computer Virus??

 In simple words, Computer Virus is a malicious program that when gets installed and executed in your System can modify and replicates other computer software program causing you to lose or steal your information. Viruses in computer have the ability to replicate themselves and can explore more of your System and gets its effected.

In more technical terms, Computer viruses definition is stated as a program or malicious code that is written in order to replicate itself and alter the way of working of your operating system causes you to loss of your information.

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How does computer Virus work?

“ How do Computer viruses attack” this topic could be a  little bit tricky  for non -technical readers, therefore I am going to break down this Sophisticated process into an easy way for everyone’s understanding.

Basically, viruses in the computer do not attack directly they come to your computer hidden in a file that you might be downloaded or taken from a friend. In most cases came along with the software that you download from Untrusted source on the Internet.

Once a virus successfully managed to get into the system don’t worry, Until now you are safe as long as the virus in the computer get attached to the infected program and you do not open that infected program.

Once you trigger or execute that infected program the virus code get executed immediately now the virus can simply replicate itself without even showing symptoms of infection. The viruses can even infect the network to which you are connected.

After replicating itself, the virus can do the work to which it was designed for, like infecting other programs, Stealing your information, leaking of your data, spamming of your emails, doing irritating things to your computer and even in worse case it will steal your financial passwords, etc.

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About Computer virus

For full detailed analysis, It is also important for you to know about the security stats of virus and some useful information about it.

Virus programmers usually write a virus code on the basis of security vulnerabilities of different systems.

 An anti-virus is a tool developed for the protection of computers from viruses but that doesn’t work as everyday new virus are launched in the market causing loss of billions of dollars to the world economy. Therefore, I personally advise you to update your anti-virus and windows patch as windows also solve many security issues itself for his customers. 

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The first misconception of people on this topic is between “virus “ and “ malware virus ” they think that actually virus and malware are the same thing but, to be clear Malware is a category under which virus comes.

Trojan and computer worms are also coming under Malware.

What is computer virus

Computer Virus Effects

Slow performance

The virus in your computer can cause it’s a performance to be slow, although there may be many reasons that your computer is slow depending on your specifications of the computer . But you should also check for the virus to satisfy completely.

Unexpected pop-  up windows

This occurs with almost every computer that is affected with virus and even in some cases it opens a suspicious window that says “click here for removal of the virus” . Don’t click on that window it may invite more viruses to your system.

Missing Files

Some small virus which comes under the category of malware also causes to missing your file from the original place. You may found that file later but this can be a sign of the virus in your system.


Did ever your windows crash unexpectedly or sometimes you start a software your system freeze??
If the answer to the above problem is yes, then you need to check your system with paid antivirus. Free antivirus did not have such tools that can identify and remove the virus from your system.

 We will continue this post. So, share this post “What is computer virus ?? – Detailed analysis 
“ with your friends.

If you want to read about " how to become a hacker in 2019". click here 

What is computer virus ?? – Detailed analysis What is computer virus ?? – Detailed analysis Reviewed by Rohit Rana on July 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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