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10 Hacking Techniques Everyone Should Aware

As we all know 2019 is a an era of cyber crimes , but did you know one thing most of time hackers does not fool your system but they fool you. so,here i will tell you 10 methods by which hackers fool you.

Virus and Trojans :
virus or trojans are the malicious program that are used to send victim's personal data to the attacker or hacker if once they get installed in your system unknowingly .They can show you fake advertisement and even  spread all your personal information  to computers connected to network .you can also learn more about trojans and worms in our future posts 

Eavesdropping :
IN eavesdropping a hacker just monitor your system and networks to get some unwanated information motive behind this is not to harm the victim's system but to monitor it.These type of hackers generally attack you gmail,phone calls and other methods of communication those who indulge in these activities are generally black hat hackers or government agencies.

Cookie theft :
Have you ever think why browsers tell you to accept cookies ?.The cookies of every browsers contains your personal information such as browsing history,password,for different sites that we acess. once the hacker gets to the cookies then he can even show himself as you are using a browser .A popular method to do this is passing user's accounts to attacker's machine also known as sidejacking or session jacking.this attack will be easy to do on website which do not have SSL(https) so,be sure to check website (https) before entering personal information on websites it,s your outmost responsibility to check that site connection is encrypted  

Click jacking attacks : 
Click jacking is also known as a different name ,UI redress .In this attack they hides the actual address in which you are supposed to clicking  this behaviour is very common in downloading apps, movies or using torrents while mostly hackers used this technique to earn advertising dollars others can use it to steal information .In another word the attacker hijacks the clicks of person fooling the victim to perform an undesired action by clicking on hidden links.

 Fake WAP :
A hacker can use a software to fake a wireless acess point .This WAP connects to official public places WAP once you get connected to fake wifi a hacker can acces your data .it is one of the easiest methods of hacking and one justs need a fake software and some other wireless networks .He/she  can create a fake wi-fi like "......... wi fi " and if you use that wi-fi you will be his/her victim and even for fun hackers can hack you.

Bait and switch : 
In this techniques hacker buys, a ad space on a websites.later when an user clicked on the ad,he might get redirected to the page that contains malware .in this way they can further install malware on your system  and thus, they can get access to your personal and information .the ad and download links on these websites are very attractive . thats why you should be beware of the ad that you clicked on any websites.  

Waterhole Attacks :
In these attacks hackers hits the most accesible physical point of victim that could be simple coffee shop. Once hackers are aware of your timing they might use to modify your most visited sites and redirect them to get your personal information or data .it is like that if you mix poison in river then all animals will die here's river is most accesible point .The most  commom ways to be safe from these attacks is to folow basic security norms on public wi-fi and keep your software?/os updated.

Denial of services(DOS\DDOS) :
A denial of service attack is a hacking technique to take down a site or server with a lot of traffic that server is unable to load and finally crashes down in this process hackers restricts the actual requests coming to that servers .For DDOS  attacks hackers mostly deploy botnets or zommbie computers which have only one work to flood your system with fake package requests . 

Phishing :
phishing is a hacking techniques in which hackers copies the most accesed sites and then traps the victsims by sending that fake link to victims.If combined with social enginnering then it can become the most dangerous attacks of hackers.once the victim tries to login in that fake website they get your information via  trojans running in that websites.On 31 august 2014 an attack happened "FAPPENING" in which icloud and g-mail via phishing leaked nude photos of most hollywood celebrities. 

Keylogger : 
keylogger is a simple software that records the sequence of your key stroke in keyboard into a log file on your machine these log files might contain your password and other personal information .while software based keylogger target the program installed on computer ,hardware device target the harware like keyboard ,smartphone sensors etc.KEYLOGGER  is amain reason why online banking sites give you an option of virtual, whenever you are try to operating a system in public ,BE CAUTIOUS.


10 Hacking Techniques Everyone Should Aware 10  Hacking Techniques Everyone Should Aware Reviewed by Rohit Rana on June 06, 2019 Rating: 5


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