computer science isn't
a optional skill-
It's a basic skill.,,
- President Barrack Obama
Well,said by one of the most lovable President of all time .So,here's we are going to tell you about 6 awesome phases of hacking and there tools in most simple ways so, that everyone could understand Technology more deeply.
Tools for footprinting are
- DNS queries
- Network Queries
- A map
In this phase hackers try to know victim's
- victim IP Adressess.
- Domain name.
- Personal information.
- Communication information
In this phase of hacking hackers perform scanning to gain a more detailed view of a victim's network,to understand what specific computer systems are in use and to identify the services ,hosts and operating system of victim's network.
Tools used in scanning are -
- Amap
- Nmap
- Zenmap
- Superscan
Scanning are of three types-
Network Scanning :
To discovers the victims IP adressess.
To discovers and deal with vulnerabilities in live hosts.
Port Scanning :
To find out live hosts and firewalls installed.
To find out any open doors through which hacker get acess to your website.
Vulnerability Scanning :
Identification of vulnerabilities of system within network in order to exploit the system.
The third phase is the process of identifying user accounts and poorly protected computing resources.during the enumeration stage, the hackers connect to compuer in the target network's and pokes around these systems to gain more acess
Tools used in enumeration are -
- NTP Suite
- Smtp-user-enum
- enum4linux
Most of you knows about this step this is the fourth phase in hacking penetration.The attacker try to gain control over one or more systems connected to targeted networks.for example if we ,say in easy words during enumeration a hacker gains controls over a list of usernames and he can actually guess one of the user's passwords and gains more extensive acess to user's accounts
Tools used in penetration testing are following-
- Metaspoilt
- Wireshark
- Nessus
In advance phases of hacking the attackers took over the control completely to victim's system or accounts that have been compromised during penetration to launch additional attacks on the target network.for example the attacker can break into root accounts of systems ,can install backdoors or trojan horses programs into victim's system and can takes complete information from data flowing through network.
Tools used for advance hacking are -
6.Covering tricks
It is the final phase of hacking in which hacker eliminates any kind of records or logs showing his malicious or harmful behaviour by deleting log files,disabling system auditing( otherwise it woild alert to administrator of malicious activity that hacker has done) and hiding hacking files that hacker has introduced into victim's system he/she can cover his/her detection fully if he is a professional (pro) hacker.
Tools used in covering tricks are -
Although these are not standard procedures ,but every hacker or attacker uses almost these steps..
- Burp suit
- Cain and abel
- Angry IP scanner
6 Common and Awesome Phases Of Hacking
Reviewed by Rohit Rana
June 08, 2019

That one is awesome man!! Keep it on